Thursday, August 7, 2014

NEW SECTION! Sharing is Caring - Technology: [Apple Certified] NOOT® MFI 1.8M/6ft 8-Pin Lightning Cable (6 Feet) by NOOT®

So I'm starting off a new section today: Sharing is Caring - Technology.

I am the kind of person that constantly is looking up articles, forums, posts, slideshows, etc. on products to buy and which ones are the best to go with (if you're looking for something in particular).  I use these all the time to purchase electronics especially.  People out there really know what they're talking about and, when you hear it from the consumer's mouth (instead of the manufacturer), it makes it more believable.  Most people are going to complain about something first before they go online to praise a product, so when I see a particular item come up repeatedly in my research, I know I've found something good and worth my investment.

Well, I've decided to start highlighting certain purchases I have made and make based on these research escapades and my finding a solid product.  Today, I'm going to highlight a particular product that I have constantly been researching and actually had the misfortune of not consistently receiving quality items, despite the research I have done.  However, with today's item, I've finally found the winner.

($12.99 on Amazon at time of review)

I have not yet used any NOOT®  products prior to this, but have become a fan overnight.

I have had to face the fact that I was going to need to buy a third party USB cord manufacturer for a second Apple iPhone Lightning cable seeing as I needed one longer than the standard 3-ft one provided by Apple themselves with all of their mobile electronics purchases.  My nightstand and outlet next to my bed is rather far away, resulting in my needing the longer cable to plug my iPhone, iPad, or work iPhone in at night to charge.

After going through about 2 or 3 different third party providers in searching for a 6-ft long Lightning Cable for my iPhone, I've finally settled on NOOT and been thoroughly pleased with the product. Many of the other third party cables that I've purchased have broken, snapped, come apart, stopped working, or stop responding on my iPhone within 2-3 months of use. I have now had my NOOT cable for the longest stretch of time with a third party cable, and have never experienced a single error or issue with it thus far, making me certain that this is, by far, the best third party cable out there. I will always buy NOOT from now on for any and all of my cable accessories, and highly recommend this product for any Apple user out there.

If you're looking for a second USB cable for any of your Apple Lightning products, this is one of the best out there, especially if you're looking to avoid the Apple prices.

I give this product:⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

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