Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sharing is Caring - Books: "Sweet Hearts" by Melissa Brayden, Rachel Spangler, Karis Walsh

Sweet Hearts: Romantic Novellas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First - the obligatory:

Note: This ARC was provided by NetGalley & Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.

Now the review:

I was having trouble staying engaged with this series of short novellas from some of the best Lesbian Romance writers in the business, so I just spent the last few hours powering through in order to reach the end and move on to my next read. I know, not something that usually accompanies a 4-star review but, mostly, it was because my nightstand is starting to pile high with books, and I'm anxious to get to them :).

More and more books

Another reason for the 4-star review was due to my very favoritest author and Goddess of the Heart, Melissa Brayden being the front-runner, along with the always well-written and spunky Rachel Spangler, and my intro into the thoughtful and poignant writings of Karis Walsh.

5 stars - I know there were some lack-of-research holes that were discovered in Brayden's short story, "Firework", but it still served as my favorite of the three. Melissa's always fun and delightful banter between her main characters, as well as those quick-wit descriptors, such as:
"I suppose I could leave you to your drink."
"It's an option," Kristen said with a smile.
Lucy raised her shoulder. "I mean, for all I know, you're waiting on someone. A hot date perhaps."
Kristen nodded. "Yep. The hottest. She'll be here any minute now."
I thoroughly enjoyed Lucy and Kristen's tumble story into love, and it was a nice reflection against Brayden's famous "Heart Block". It was such a treat to return to Emory, Sarah, and Grace (and Walter!), and I was completely satisfied with it's run. Although, let me just be honest too and say, whenever Melissa Brayden has a novel out - no matter the subject - I'll just buy it, no questions.


3 stars - Spangler's "Getting Serious" was a nice taste of the writings and stories that Rachel Spangler has become known for in her novels. Purposeful and powerful in it's own mind and right brought a different tale altogether separate from the other two. While still funny and having Spangler show of her own skills of witty banter between characters, it was fun to follow Lisa and Marty through their own tale of love. Unfortunately though, this story fell short in my eyes, and it was partially due to some difficulties keeping in line with what was going on every second. Now, that could have totally been my mistake and fault completely, but it still caused me to lose the enjoyment that I usually settle in to when reading a great LGBT romance.


4.5 stars - I have yet to read an entire novel by Karis Walsh, but reading "Risk Factor" made it become more of a need than a possibility. Walsh captured me with her story of Myra and Ainslee's turbulent and emotion-filled journey to loving one another left me wanting more, and the only story I wish had been made to last longer so that it could have explored deeper paths. My second favorite of the three, I am glad to have had this introduction to Karis Walsh, and look forward to devouring more of her novels in the near future.


Overall, this collection was a great read, and I had fun with all three novellas. It was a great addition to have a short story like this available until the next Melissa Brayden novel comes along (holy crap...end of this year...UGH), as well as a great way for me to get introduced to a new author I had yet to explore in Karis Walsh. 

Rating: ⋆⋆⋆

You can purchase "Sweet Hearts" from or Amazon and Bold Strokes Books, Available Now!

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