
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sharing is Caring - Books: "New Beginnings" by K.C. Richardson

Note: This ARC was provided by NetGalley & Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.
To purchase this novel, please see links at bottom of review.

 This novel was just shy of being a great story from beginning to end. I seem to have a soft spot for debut authors, so I feel I always go a little easier on them versus reviewing novels written by seasoned and published writers, but K.C. Richardson made it very easy to forget I was reading a first-time novelist many times throughout her debut story "New Beginnings." 
Original Summary 
Jordan Roberts has been content with the one-night stands she’s been having for the past seven years since discovering her partner cheating on her. Jordan has vowed never to give her heart to anyone ever again, and has been successful until Kirsten comes into her life. Kirsten Murphy’s marriage is falling apart, but her budding friendship with Jordan is easing her heartache. Kirsten is also discovering her tamped-down attraction to women is resurfacing, and it has everything to do with Jordan. Can Jordan release her self-imposed exile on relationships? Does Kirsten have what it takes for Jordan to finally give her heart to another? 

 The story of Jordan and Kirsten's romance was a sincere and believable adventure, without many surprises along the way. But the predictability worked for this story, in a way that made it comforting and pleasing to the reader, knowing that this was going to be a joyful journey, instead of one possibly fraught with peril. A few things that kept me from giving this novel a 5-star rating were the overuse of personal monologue; the fact that the author repeatedly TOLD the reader what they characters were feeling, instead of showing the reader; and the way the ending seemed to be a bit rushed compared to the rest of the novel and the pace that it set in the first 80% of its contents. 

With that being said, I still give K.C. Richardson some props for a successful debut novel. The story kept me engaged to the point that I wanted to read it all the way through to the very end, making it easy to fall into the lives of Jordan, Kirsten, and their friends. It was enjoyable, and one I would recommend to anyone looking for a cozy romance or a beach read over the summer. I hope to see K.C. Richardson improve from this point, as she has set the bar high for other novels to come. Her story was sound, and the characters interesting, keeping my attention from the first page. I look forward to novels from her in the future.

Rating: ⋆⋆⋆

"New Beginnings" by K.C. Richardson is available NOW for purchase from Bold Strokes Books and Amazon in both eBook and Paperback format.

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